Our proposals

An attractive high-quality new development providing homes for families in Kingston

Our vision for Haycroft Mews is to create a high-quality, attractive environment that delivers a range of benefits for both new residents and the existing local community.

To bring forward this vision, our plans for the former Cap in Hand site will see the current site transformed into an attractive new development providing up to 40 new homes, including affordable housing and 30% purpose-built terraced houses for families, as well as flexible commercial floorspace.

Alongside this, the landscape focused design approach will include outdoor community facilities, the creation of a green corridor with new tree and hedge planting, new public realm and a community garden and eco garden.

Our proposals

New homes for local families

New homes for local families

The proposals will deliver up to 40 high-quality homes, helping meet the need for new local housing for people in Kingston. 30% of the new homes will be terraced family homes, helping local families to get on the housing ladder.

Alongside this, there will be a range of 1 and 2-bedroom homes, with a balanced mix of housing tenures, which will support the creation of a welcoming and inclusive new community at Haycroft Mews.

Proposals page - new design image

High-quality design

Haycroft Mews will replace the current site with high-quality buildings that improve the aesthetic of the surrounding area. The design features a sensitive approach to height and massing, limiting impacts on existing neighbours while maximising the deliverable on-site benefits.

A landscape-led approach also puts green space and improved site permeability at the heart of the proposals, with tree planting that creates a green buffer to the A3 and an opportunity for improved local connectivity through new green linkages.

Children Helping Father As They Work On Allotment Together

Green community spaces

The plans for Haycroft Mews place an emphasis on community and sustainability. Three shared amenity spaces and a green corridor will maximise the quality of the living environment, with the community and eco gardens creating a natural meeting point for local residents.

New hedging and tree planting, focusing on native species, will help deliver a biodiversity net-gain. Besides the provision of three Blue Badge spaces, the proposed development will be car-free, with improved pedestrian linkage and cycle storage to encourage sustainable transport.

African senior woman buying fresh organic fruits at supermarket

Complementing the local centre

The proposed redevelopment will see the regeneration of the current site to provide new high- quality homes, landscaping and green space.

This will create an attractive frontage that complements the Ace of Spades local centre. Alongside this, employment floorspace will be provided to create new local employment opportunities. The commercial space is likely to be used as an office or retail unit, which would generate additional full-time equivalent jobs.

Landscaping that creates an attractive community environment

The delivery of up to 40 high-quality new homes, including affordable homes, will help meet local housing need in Kingston

The allocation of 30% family-sized terrace houses will help local families get on the housing ladder

The new green corridor, community garden and eco garden will create an attractive healthy environment

The creation of three shared amenity spaces will provide public spaces that the local residents and community can enjoy

The provision of employment floorspace will complement the local centre and attract new jobs

The new tree and hedge planting, alongside the green buffer to the A3, will deliver a biodiversity net gain

The decision to redevelop a brownfield site and provide a car free development has major sustainability advantages