A sensitive development providing new homes and attractive green spaces for families in Kingston

Haycroft Mews will be a sensitive new development on the currently disused site of the former Cap in Hand public house and its associated car park.
The proposals will see the current site transformed into an attractive new development providing up to 40 new homes, including affordable housing and 30% purpose-built terraced houses for families, as well as flexible commercial floorspace.

Alongside this, the landscape focused design approach will include outdoor community facilities, the creation of a green corridor with new tree and hedge planting, new public realm and a community garden and eco garden.

Ahead of submitting a planning application to the Royal Borough of Kingston, we are committed to engaging with the local community. This public consultation website outlines our plans for Haycroft Mews and provides you with the opportunity to submit your feedback and ask any questions you may have.
We held a series of in person and online consultations from the week commencing Monday 27th February to allow residents and stakeholders the opportunity to have their say, learn more about the proposals and hear from the project team.

You can view the consultation boards displayed at the exhibition below.
Exhibition Boards

Our proposals

Delivering much needed new homes of a range of sizes and tenures

30% of the homes will be terraced family houses, helping local families to get on the housing ladder

Creating an attractive community environment with three shared amenity spaces

A car free development with improved pedestrian links and cycle storage

Brownfield redevelopment that enhances the local centre and provides new employment floorspace

Dynamic landscaping with a new green corridor, community garden and eco garden

Delivering a biodiversity net-gain, with new tree and hedge planting that creates a buffer to the A3 

High-quality building design that improves the aesthetic of the surrounding area

The current site

An opportunity to redevelop a disused brownfield site

The site comprises the now disused Cap in Hand public house to the east and its associated car park to the west. Closed in 2016, the Cap in Hand building has now sat empty for 7 years.

The surrounding area is predominantly residential, although Hook Road is a local centre which contains a broad range of commercial uses. The site is bounded by the A309 slip road to the south and Hook Road to the east. To the southeast is the Hook Junction roundabout where these two roads meet. A row of residential gardens connected to houses on Haycroft Road lie to the north, with an open green space to the west.

Have your say

We held a series of in person and online events to allow residents and local stakeholders to have their say.


Our survey and consultation events have now closed, but you can get in touch with the project team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

Date: Wednesday 1st March
Time: 15:00 – 19:00
Location: Hook Church, Brook Road, Surbiton, KT6 5DB

This event has taken place.
Date: Saturday 4th March
Time: 10:00 – 14:00
Location: Main Hall, Southborough High School, Hook Road, KT6 5AS

This event has taken place.
Date: Monday 6th March
Time: 18:00 – 19:00

This event has taken place.

Our online survey has now closed. If you still wish to provide your feedback you can do so using the contact details below.